Neuroplasticity – The old dog CAN learn new tricks afterall… ?>

Neuroplasticity – The old dog CAN learn new tricks afterall…


In recent findings, researchers have identified that our brains have what is called neuroplasticity.  This is a significant finding for the reason that neuroplasticity means that our brains actually have the ability to change.

Neuroplasticity suggests that the brain continually adjusts and reorganizes, by developing new neural connections.  Scientists used to believe that if a particular area of the brain was damaged, the nerve cells could not regenerate or form new connections, and they believed the functions controlled by that area of the brain would be permanently lost. “However, new research on animals and humans has overturned this mistaken old view: today we recognize that the brain continues to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.” (Liou, 2010)  This means that the brain is not static!

Additionally, the findings around neuroplasticity has also helped scientists understand how patients have recovered from brain damage by injury or disease.

Interested in learning more about neuroplasticity?  Here are some links to get you started!



Ivey, A., Zalaquett, C., & Quirk, K. (2009, December 3). Counseling and neuroscience: The cutting edge of the coming decade. Retrieved November 25, 2014, from

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